Navigated Exit Planning

Gain peace of mind, a clear roadmap for your business and our expert guidance at moments that you really need it.

Achieve long-term success, being prepared for any potential exit scenario!

What You’ll Get

Choose the level of support that suits you best

Exit Vision and Strategy

Envision your business exit with our expert support. Craft a comprehensive strategy aligned with your vision for future success.

Exit Process Navigation

Receive our assistance in organizing key documents and data for buyer discussions. Make informed decisions for you, your company, employees, and clients.

Post-Closure Planning

Create detailed plans for post-closure actions. Develop communication strategies, employee satisfaction plans, and smooth transitions.

Why we are different

  • Tailored Approach: We recognize that every business is unique, and our approach is customized to suit your specific needs and goals, ensuring maximum impact and results.
  • Proven Expertise: Our team comprises accomplished business builders and coaches with a distinct blend of leadership and communication strategies, enriched by real-life entrepreneurial experiences.
  • Tangible Outcomes: We are results-driven and committed to your success. Our strategies are designed to yield tangible outcomes, helping you unlock your business’s full potential.
  • Comprehensive Support: Whether you’re refining your business strategy, optimizing operations, or planning your exit, we provide comprehensive support at every stage of your growth journey.

Our Services Are Carefully Crafted for You


Our Toolkit for

Navigated Exit Planningt

Exit Planning Checklists: We offer comprehensive checklists to guide you through every stage of the exit planning process, ensuring that no crucial aspect is overlooked.

Business Valuation Insights: While we are not M&A advisors, we provide valuable insights into business valuation techniques to give you a better understanding of your company’s worth.

Exit Scenario Simulation: Our team assists you in simulating various exit scenarios, allowing you to assess their potential impact on your business and make the most appropriate decisions.

Legacy Planning Framework: We work with you to develop a legacy planning framework that ensures your business’s continued success and preserves your vision beyond the exit.

With our proactive approach and array of tools and frameworks, we equip you with the necessary knowledge and support to navigate the complex journey of exit planning. Secure your future success with GrowthTailor as your trusted partner.

What Others Say

We have intensively been cooperating with Peter for more than three years now. Peter has helped us tremendously in improving our company’s performance with his expertise in leadership, strategy, and strong team building. Peter had a huge impact on what INKUBIT has become today. With his guidance, we have seen a significant increase in employee satisfaction and company growth. Peter listens a lot and asks questions to point us in the right direction. With Peter we learned that we have most of the answers already within us, and when asking the right questions, the right answers unfold. Peter focuses on addressing weaknesses in his coaching but emphasizes leveraging strengths in each team member. Peter is an enjoyable person to work with and a patient and highly empathetic leader.

– Kai Gutzeit – CEO INKUBIT

What Others Say

Peter is an excellent performance coach / mentor. He has an ideal temperament for the role, is a great listener, very patient, has the skill to ask astute questions that help unravel challenging situations and the experience to provide meaningful guidance and recommendations. I am a co-founder-CEO of a foodtech startup and Peter supported me for several months during a period of intense pressure after competing one of our funding rounds. I found our sessions together very valuable and am more than happy to recommend him to others.

– Jeremy Poland – CEO Nutri-genetix

What Others Say

To work with Kasia was a true experience, she is an inspiring leader and is always there to not only reflect ideas with you but furthermore guide you through the whole process and is taking every assignment with a smile and fun attitude but at the same time with a high degree of dedication. Kasia had a major impact on our international growth strategy and helped us to improve our employee branding and public relations. Kasia can work very detail-oriented but never loses the bigger picture. I can always recommend Kasia with her high expertise and practical knowledge for business development, Human Resources or Marketing advisory.

– Kai Gutzeit – CEO INKUBIT

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Facing challenges in your business or personal development? We’re here to help. Schedule a free call (value €300) to explore how our tailored coaching and consulting can empower your success. Let’s break barriers and achieve greatness together!

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