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7 Crucial Lessons About Entrepreneurship I Wish I’d Known Earlier

Entrepreneurship challenges more than just your strategy—it tests your leadership, resilience, and decision-making. These seven hard-earned lessons explore how to navigate growth, empower your team, and lead with purpose in the face of uncertainty.

Values aren’t as crucial as we think

Values aren’t as crucial as we think

You've probably come across organisational values listed on websites or office walls of companies. Perhaps your organisation has them too. Do they work? Or to put it differently, why were they revealed in the first place? I would guess that, in most cases, it's done...

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Rethinking Strategy: A 7-Step Agile Business Strategy Approach

Rethinking Strategy: A 7-Step Agile Business Strategy Approach

Entrepreneurs are at least yearly faced with the daunting task of designing or refining their business strategy. Many struggle with getting started, using overly complicated tools, and getting stuck in the process. But there is not need! You can use a more agile business strategy approach to achieve business success.

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